A spectre is haunting Europe, the people and the bankers wait in a state of exquisite arousal to see how the new man will perform. Yes, I have only gone and accidentally got myself a job!. More details available upon request.
Oh, and of course that unholy trinity, Tories, Libs and Dems have oozed and seeped their way into government. This morning all the ex pat Comrades gathered at the local Hooters bar. Over a glass or two of Heidi Slayer Beer with Cillit Bang chasers we discussed our options. The mood was very gloomy. Reg Hitler, the Street`s resident Communist, wanted an uprising. His life partner, Polly Glot, said she desperately wanted Reg to have one too but chance would be a fine thing.She says she can barely remember Erection Night 2005. Obviously the Viagra isn`t doing the trick.
The Street`s resident Idiot Savant, Warsaw Stan, said he feared a reintroduction of the Pole Tax and Ms Harriet "Hairy Legs" Hatemen, the firebrand leader of the International Gay, Lesbian and Transgender Nose Bleed Sufferers Collective, warned that there would be blood on the streets, and quite probably down the front of blouses too.
I decided to keep my own counsel, partly becuase those Cillit Bang chasers had made my lips go numb, and partly because I have not yet informed the Comrades that I am going to work for the military-industrial complex as a fascist running dog. No doubt they would accuse me of being a Champagne Socialist. My response, champagne, why not, nothing is too good for the working man.

Tuesday, 11 May 2010
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